Is Your Business on Instagram Yet?


It used to be that having a website was enough. Then you needed a Facebook presence. Now, you’re no one if you’re not on Instagram. The social media platform is now valued at more than US$100 billion with more than a billion users worldwide. 1.7 million Kiwis are reached by Instagram in a typical month. That’s a whole lot of pictures and videos being consumed — and a lot of attention grabbed that just isn’t available anywhere else.

Here’s 5 reasons why you should consider this key social media channel:

1. Instagram users are ready to buy

There are over 25 million businesses utilising the platform, and over one third of Instagram’s 1 Billion users have used Instagram to purchase a product. According to Forrester Research, brands on Instagram have a 4.21% engagement rate, ten times higher than Facebook and 84 times higher than Twitter. But Instagram isn’t for everyone. Younger audiences remain the dominant players (although older audiences are definitely growing). If your core target audience is under 35, you need to get active on Instagram.

2. Influencer marketing

A big part of the Instagram business model is influencer marketing. Putting someone that users admire in the products, or having them offer a review, helps to drive clicks and sales. Everyone is on their phones and social media. That’s where we find out about things, so influencers are really good for brand awareness and getting your brand out there.

3. Customer Connection through visuals

Visual marketing has taken off. Humans are also creatures of habit, and Instagram utilises this through the repetition of horizontal, square format images. Being able to visually show your product and tell your story creates strong connections with potential customers.

4. Ad campaigns

Instagram advertising has made it easier for businesses to reach their target audience. With tools such as hashtags and locations, we can get more specific with our audience and marketing campaigns. With Instagram there are two reasons you could be advertising: sales or brand awareness. It is essential to know your goals and create a campaign focused on that.

5. Learn more about you customer through Instagram Insights

As with any good marketing strategy, measurement is critical. It’s not just the likes and dislikes of your viewers, much finer detail is also available, such as what hour in which day was the advertisement seen most, and how long each person viewed the ad for. Instagram is undeniably one of the fasted growing social media channels and shows no indication of slowing down anytime soon.

Need an effective strategy for Instagram? Let’s chat


Sources: Stuff, Hubspot, Carney

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