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Quest believes that it has a responsibility to contribute to a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable environment.

As such, the company has adopted environmental sustainability criteria into its business processes. This is part of Quest’s ongoing commitment to looking after the planet and future generations.

We have also joined Air New Zealand in our support for The Mangarara Family Farm and Eco-Lodge. Quest provided production support to Mangarara as part of the Million Metres Streams crowd funding initiative.

Quest is also actively engaging in activities that include:

Energy Efficiency

Reducing the amount of electricity, gas and fuel used by the business. Quest operates a ‘switch it off’ policy with internal heating on a timer system with thermostat control.


A large internal sky light has been designed to allow maximum heating from the sun while insulation and optimal orientation of the building allow solar efficiency.


Sensor lights ensure power is used only when needed and light bulbs are energy efficient rated. Only cold water is run through the office and bathroom facilities to save power.


Vehicle tyre pressures are maintained to recommended levels and fuel efficiency techniques are used when driving to ensure optimal fuel consumption.

Waste Management

Reducing, recycling and managing waste produced by the business. Quest practices a ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink’ philosophy. All organic waste including coffee grinds are fed to our pigs on The Plum Farm, our Organic Farm New Zealand Certified property.


Quest is a supporter of Ecostore and actively sources its wide range of environmental products in a drive towards healthier, safer products with no nasty chemicals. This is not only better for the body but assists in enhanced biodegradability of waste water.


Paper is only sourced from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources and is recycled and reused wherever possible.. All printer ink is sent back to the supplier for recycling.

Water Conservation

Using water wisely through conservation and management. Water is actively conserved at Quest by use of a water catchment off the office roof system. This is then used to irrigate nearby vegetation and plantings.


The property holds an acquifer bore water consent from the regional council however has applied to use only a minimal daily cubic metre water draw for site irrigation.


This reflects our sustainable planet philosophy and also recognises the modest needs of the adjacent plum farm. The orchard contains approximately 500 mature plum trees across 11 varieties including Duff, Black Doris, Omega, Billington and Purple King.

Environmental Conservation

Helping to protect New Zealand’s natural environment by contributing to conservation causes and participating in conservation activities. Quest has adopted a native planting program that serves a variety of purposes.


Firstly, by planting native New Zealand flaxes and trees such as Kowhai, Kanuka and Manuka we are bringing back native bird species to the area. Recent increases in Tui and Bellbird populations are a pleasing result as these were once extremely scarce.


In addition, these native plantings are helping to filter and protect our water ways from stock effluent run offs. Other projects that Quest has helped include the Managarara Family Farm and Eco-Lodge plus the Cape Kidnappers Wildlife Preserve.


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