Copywriting Secrets – How to Write Copy that Converts


Only 2 out of 10 people will read until the very end of this blog post. Will you be one of them? 

It’s hard to convert your prospects to customers if they don’t read your call-to-action (which is usually near the end of your writing). So how do you get them there?

Copywriting is an art. Just as every brush stroke on a painting contributes to the impact of the final piece, compelling copy sets the scene for irresistible intrigue. Every sentence is influential in capturing attention, and determining if someone will read everything you have to say. 

Here are 4 attention grabbing copywriting secrets to help you get started:

1. Clever, succinct, short-form writing

Our attention spans are shrinking to as little as 8 seconds meaning the ability to write coherent short-form copy is more important than ever.

2. Excellent topic and niche research skills

The most successful copywriters have stellar research skills. As soon as you’re assigned a topic, you should know exactly where you can find the information you need. Remember, source reliability is the key to obtaining quality information.

3. Quick wit and humour that resonates with your readers

Humour is a powerful marketing tool. Jokes are engaging and allow you to better connect with your audience. A good copywriter knows exactly when to use a quick witty joke.

4. Knowledge of your brand voice and audience

A good copywriter can change their tone of voice and style of writing to match any audience. Thorough research of your target audience and brand’s tone of voice will help you master the art of successful copywriting. 

Once you understand how your readers think, you can start crafting copy that will resonate with their needs, expectations, and pain points and grab their attention every time.

Source: g2

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