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4 Steps to a Great Website Landing Page


A critical piece of any marketing strategy is building a database of customers and potential customers. And website landing pages are an important way for you to deliver this. A landing page is a website page that allows you to capture a visitor’s information through a lead form. A good landing page will be targeted to a particular interest group and you will convert a higher percentage of website visitors into leads if you can demonstrate value.

Too many companies send their advertising, email, or social media traffic to their homepage. This is a missed opportunity. When you entice targeted visitors to your website, a specific landing page will greatly increase the likelihood of converting that traffic into leads.

What makes a landing page most effective?

  • Limit Navigation – You’ve brought your targeted traffic to a page so don’t distract them! Limit the number of exits from your landing page so that your visitors are focused on filling out your form. A key part of this is to hide your website navigation elements on landing pages.
  • Deliver Value – If you have a valuable offer, your visitors will give up their contact information in exchange for your offer. Ask yourself if your offer is compelling to your audience and make sure that your landing pages demonstrate that value.
  • Keep it Short – The longer your landing page and form, the more friction you add to the lead conversion process. Keeping your lead form short and straightforward will increase your conversion rate.
  • Test, Test, Test – Your landing page can always benefit from testing and improvement. Make sure you have a good website content management system that allows you to create and test different landing pages to see what works best for your business.

How good is your landing page?

Check out this landing page to see what best practice looks like – If you’d like to show your landing page to our web experts for feedback let us know, we are happy help!


Source: Quest, HubSpot [abridged]

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